
We are different

And you know what… We enjoy being different. Different is what helps set us apart. Being different helps to drive us, not only to achieve our personal goals, but mostly, to help you achieve yours! For starters, We are a Chucks-wearing team of uncontrollably creative individuals all with modest dreams of world domination. We are not your cookie cutter corporate advertising agency. We only do suits when we have to, we never do predictable and we always do sarcasm. We speak it fluently.

Going back, our company was founded in 2007 in Morgantown, WV, as Asayo Creative. This was our original agency name. Within the first year, we launched Stick, LLC, a vehicle wrap and custom decal company. For years, we ran both companies purposely separate, until we realized the value (and branding) of consolidating all of our services under one name.  And thus, The Stick Company was born! (well, the name was at least.)

Our being different goes a little further. In 2011, we founded the WV Oil and Gas Expo, a regional trade show highlighting various businesses in the region. In 2017, we expanded the annual event to become the WV Energy Expo, highlighting all energy industries in the state.

We also have a sister company branded Stick Tattoo Company that shares our namesake. Although a completely separate entity, Stick Tattoo is owned and operated by Damian, and his wife Rachael. At least you know why we are so colorful.

But maybe we are most different because we work to put our customers and business partners first. The backbone of our agency is our relationships and we work to not only meet, but exceed your expectations.

We Are Over Thinkers

In today’s culture, when it comes to branding, it goes much further than simply creating a logo and flashy business card. Our team takes the time to understand you, your brand, and your goals to best create results for you. We will work to create, not only the look, but the attitude, culture and backbone of a successful brand.

It also takes us entirely too long to decide on our lunch orders, but hey, we can’t always be decisive, can we?

We Are Humble

While we have worked our asses off to get where we are, we never lose site of our roots, our values or our vision. We are committed to sharing our experience, skills and passion with every partnership.

As Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson so appropriately stated, "Be Hungry. Be Humble. And always be the hardest working in the room."

We Are Involved

At The Stick Company, we believe in the saying “Work for a cause, not for applause.” It’s the root of who we are, not only as a company, but as individuals. That, and wearing flannels (as you maybe noticed above).

We are fortunate to work with a number of community organizations that are near, and dear, to our hearts.

We Are
Dog Lovers

If our team doesn’t dictate our culture, our four-legged office helpers certainly will. Between long naps, lunch scavaging, and the occassional walk, our squad sometimes joins a meeting or two.

We Are

No really. If you are reading this, we are hungry. Send food! (No vegetables.)

We Are

While our personal fitness ranges from running to netflixing, our team’s flexibility in working with you remains strong. Whether scheduling, critiquing or simply improving something you already have, we can get you where you want to be.

We Are
Hard Working

While one of us may have went a tad extreme to demonstrate this point, our entire team embodies an unmatched work ethic to accompany their unique skillset and creativity. We are a blue-collar, boots-to-ground, always grinding, branding agency. And what we have found that separates us, is our tenacity and drive to be the best at what we do.

We invite you to learn more about our team, including our services, experience, favorite foods, and indusry knowledge. Contact us today -- we look forward to hearing from you.