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Cheese Connoisseur
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Cat Person
When a website looks great, there’s a good chance it’s because it has great photography. Our partnership with Amberlee Christey Photography is one of our secret weapons here at The Stick Company. She is, hands down, the best.
Her photographs have been featured on the covers of WV Weddings, Corridor and Cowgirls in Style Magazine. Her portrait and lifestyle photography has been featured in over 25 magazines, including a number of covers there as well. Perhaps somewhat less prestigiously (but no less stylishly), her photographs are also featured on a lot of the websites we build. Her attention to detail and ability to capture commercial action shots and jobsite photography set her apart, and in turn, set our work apart.
Aside from her commercial photography talents, Amberlee Christey Photography is also the regions most recognized wedding photographer (you can see more of her fantastic work here.) A long time & close friend of Damian (or Ferek, as she often yells at him), Amberlee has worked on a number of campaigns with our agency including WVU Medicine Childrens, Ronald McDonald House, Energy Transportation, Shaft Drillers, Anderson Excavating, Clear Mountain Bank, Stick Tattoo, and the most trying client of them all, the Ferek wedding. When she doesn’t have a camera in her hand, her interests include her cats, cheese, traveling, unicorns, coffee, and ice cream, but really, she’s most comfortable (and the world is better off) when there’s a camera in her hands.
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