

  • Production Specialist
  • Wilderness Warrior
  • Mini Bike Master

At A Glance

Office Superlative:
Most likely to have more piercings than you. (Thanks Harmony!)

Fun Fact:
When wanting to relax, Shane spends his time building various engines. Just your normal, stress-free hobby.

The Low Down

Shane is The Stick Company’s go-to guy for getting things done right. As a Production Specialist, Shane oversees our vehicle wraps, wall wraps, and sign installations with his strong attention to detail and a commitment to delivering the highest quality. If there’s a job to be done, you can count on Shane to make sure it’s not just done. but that it’s done well.

A true jack of all trades, Shane has the skills to build, assemble, or fix just about anything. Need something welded? He’s your guy. Need to build an engine? He’s your guy. Got a question about, well, basically anything? Shane most likely knows the answer. And we aren’t talking about someone who can search for answers quickly on the internet, no no no … this is all in his head. If the internet didn’t exist, we would all look at Shane as our internet. This is why Shane has no use for computers.

When he’s not ensuring perfection at work, you can often find Shane down at Stick Tattoo, spending quality time with his talented other half, Harmony. And if he’s not there, good luck finding him — he’s probably deep in the woods, hunting and sleeping high up in a tree.

And while his serious work face might fool you, get to know him and you’ll find out Shane is one of the nicest and most genuine individuals you’ll meet! Or is he…