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Family Feud Addict
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Tattoo Covered
Driven by creativity, aggressiveness and coffee, Damian founded the agency in 2007. His passion for design, risk-taking nature, and knowledge of multiple industries makes visualizing projects easy. His brainstorming abilities are relentless, as are his communication skills with strategic direction often communicated via text messages, overly-long emails and poorly drawn sketches. (But never phone calls — he last checked his voicemail in 2009).
In addition to random creativity, continuous business ideas and 2 a.m. emails, Damian spends much of his time being involved in various community organizations such as Children’s Hospital, Bartlett Housing Solutions, Operation Welcome Home, MS Society, Make-A-Wish Foundation and various animal rescues to name a few.
In 2019, he was awarded the Community Service Award by WVU Medicine Children’s, as well as the United Way’s Pinnacle of Partnership Award. He is a past recipient of the WV Executive Magazine ‘Young Gun’ award and recognized in Corridor Magazine’s 40 under 40.
Always a designer at heart, Damian helps to oversee both the creative and business development of the agency, but thankfully not the communication. He truly believes that the best way to help market and brand clients is to become part of their team in spirit and in mission.
Damian, and his wonderful wife, Rachael, also own Stick Tattoo Company, a local tattoo and body piercing shop. They reside in Morgantown with their daughter, Parker, and four dogs.
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