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Cleveland Browns fan
var gfillgauge3119;
var $gp = jQuery.noConflict();
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Beach/Lake/Pool Bum
var gfillgauge4647;
var $gp = jQuery.noConflict();
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Movie/TV Fanatic
var gfillgauge7547;
var $gp = jQuery.noConflict();
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Dessert Addict
I am originally from Toledo, OH but I would consider myself more from Cleveland, OH. I love all things Cleveland; the city, the food, the culture, but mostly the Cleveland Browns. (Yes, I know it is hard to be a Browns fan.) I graduated from Kent State University where I studied graphic design and photography. On the weekends when I am not working for The Stick Co. I photograph weddings with another local photographer. I always knew I was meant to be an artist of some sort, because when I was young I used to redraw Lisa Frank folders and notebooks for fun.
I moved to Bridgeport, WV in April 2019 with my boyfriend, Patrick. Since moving here we have loved going on numerous hikes at West Virginias’ beautiful state parks, watched a few WVU games, and have eaten a lot of pepperoni rolls. Also since moving here, we have fostered then adopted a German Shepard Chow mix dog named Cassie. We spoil her way too much but she’s too cute to not to!
I love watching movies, Netflix, reality (trash) tv, but I am a huge CBS Big Brother fan. My goal one day is to be on the show or at least try out for it once! When I am not watching tv, I love to travel, explore, and try new things. I especially love the lake/beach or anything that has to deal with water!
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